Friday, March 13, 2009

Got a New Cancer - Started a New Blog

See my new blog about my battle with "Dufus."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There is no one drug, herb, or treatment that will kill cancer. Cancer has to be treated by building the body's immune system. Listed here are some natural ways to help build the immune system.


Eating white sugar will paralyze and hinder your white blood cells from fighting off an infection. Eating 25 teaspoons of sugar will paralyze 92% of your white blood cells for approximately five hours. The average American eats over 42 teaspoons of sugar per day. For example: A banana split has 24 teaspoons of sugar. A 12 oz coke has approx. 8-10 teaspoons, a piece of white bread 2 teaspoons. It must be remembered that sugar or empty calories and junk foods interfere with the working of the body's immune system.


Diets high in refined fats have long been associated with increased cancer risk. Breast cancer is more frequent in women on diets high in both saturated fats, (whole milk), and in animal fat.(2) A low fat diet not only prevents breast cancer but increases the survival of women who already have breast cancer. (3)

This is or will be the hardest single thing to follow, but it is very important. Only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grains are what you will be eating until your cancer is in remission. Nothing cooked, no cooked beans, bread, potatoes, etc. Sounds tough, but let me tell you this is much easier then taking chemotherapy and having your hair fall out, vomiting, being weak, etc. And ,of course chemotherapy will not build up your immune system. Instead it will tear it down. Raw food is live food and possesses the highest nutritive value. It is full of vitamins, mineral, enzymes, phytochemicals, etc. Cooked food is dead food, plant any seed and it will grow. Cook the seed and then plant it and it will not grow, because it's life principle has been destroyed. . Place cancer cells in a cooked media and they will proliferate. Now place the cancer cells in a raw matter and they will disappear! This astounding fact is known to the Cancer society, but the public was never informed. (4)

A Swedish study indicated the frequency of snack eating may be related to the risk of colon cancer. Earlier, largely ignored studies have suggested that each eating episode over the course of the day increases colon cancer risk. Regular meal intake did not seem to produce the same risk as did snack consumption. (Cancer Causes and Control3: 77-81,1992)

Carrots are a very good source of Vitamin A, and the juice should be taken 15-30 minutes before your vegetable meal. A recent study done by Dr. Raymond J. Shamberger, Professor of the Dept. of Biochemistry, the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, showed that Vitamin A is one of the most important aids

to the body's defense system fighting and preventing cancer. When subjected to carcinogens, this vitamin has a remarkable ability to inhibit the introduction and or retard the growth of both malignant and non-malignant tumors. (5)

How much is plenty? It depends upon how much you weigh, you take your weight, divide it in half and that is how many ounces of water you need in a 24 hour period. Of course if you are working out in the hot sun and perspiring a lot you would need more. For example: you weigh 160 lbs. Half of that is 80 so you need 80 ounces, which would be 10 eight ounce glasses. The type of water we need to drink is soft water, that is water that has no minerals, as the minerals in water are inorganic and are harmful to our health. Where as the minerals in food are organic and our body needs this type of minerals. Two types of water that have no minerals are distilled water and reverse-osmosis water.

Expose as much of the body to the sun. If you have a light complexion start with ten minutes and gradually increase it to a minimum of one hour a day. While sun bathing use no lotions, sunscreens (they can cause cancer), or oils. Do not wear glasses while sun bathing as it is important for the ultraviolet light to get into the eyes, and glass of any kind will keep the rays out. Interferon is effective against several different kinds of cancer including carcinoma, sarcoma and leukemia. This fact spurred the American Cancer Society; to purchase interferon from Finland for experimental use. Dr. Hans Strander of Finland discovered that he could give interferon to terminal bone cancer patients and double the number of long term disease free survivors. White blood cells in our bodies manufacture this wonderful interferon that can help so dramatically in cancer. Sunlight is a great stimulus for increased white blood cell production and thereby increases the production of interferon.

Everything on this earth has an electrical frequency, the earth, the seeds, the plants animals, and the human body. Cancer cells have a different electrical frequency than normal cells. Our bodies can easily get off the electrical frequency that they are suppose to be on. How can we get it back on track? Very simply, by standing or walking bare foot in the soil. Wearing shoes is not a natural thing, although we need to protect our feet, as shoes insulate our body from the earth so it would be good to spend at least 10 minutes a day outside barefoot in the soil.

Deep breathing of fresh outside negatively charged air, (the good kind), helps cleanse the lungs and increase circulation. Fresh air from the ocean, near a river or waterfall or after a rain storm is not only negatively charged but is high in oxygen which is very beneficial for cancer. Be sure to have plenty of fresh air in your bedroom as you sleep, keep a window open, even in the winter the window should be partially open. A fact worth knowing is that cancer cells cannot live in the presence of oxygen. (6)

Brisk walking, no jogging, from one to five miles a day is excellent exercise. If you do not have the strength, start slowly and gradually increase the distance. Exercise outside is 10 times more beneficial then indoors. When exercising inside you do not receive the suns rays or the pure fresh air. Working out in a gym is like working out in a smelly tennis shoe.

The earlier you go to bed the better. Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours, every hour after midnight is worth one.


There are many herbs for cancer, but the one I highly recommend is Red Clover. You use only the flower, not the stem or roots. Red clover contains the following chemicals: biotin, choline, copper, coumarins, glycosides, inositol, magnesium, manganesel, and selenium. It also contains vitamins: A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, B17, C, P and the mineral Zinc. This is quite an assortment of minerals and vitamins for one herb. And possibly in the future we will discover it contains other important ingredients. Red Clover has been used in America for over 100 years to treat and prevent cancer. It is good for cancer on any part of the body. I have personally used it for many years at my clinic and have seen many individuals recover from cancer.

Use only the bulk red clover flowers, not the stem or roots, use no red clover capsules. Make a tea by bringing the water to a boil, removing from the heat and adding the herb. Let it steep for 20 minutes or longer. Use one to two teaspoons of herb per cup of tea. The best time to take the tea is at night before bed on an empty stomach. If you take it twice a day then also first thing in the morning when you first get up on an empty stomach.
You can order the herb Red Clover from Frontier Herbs Phone 1-800-669-3275 or on line at

Red Clover is now being studied for anti-aids and anti-diabetic activity. (7)

Almost everyone I have personally known, who has come down with cancer, has been under a lot of stress prior to getting cancer. We must learn to take the problems we cannot handle to God, (The Greatest Healer Of All Time). We cannot hold anger, hate, selfishness, etc. inside ourselves or we will not recover. The mind greatly affects the body. I believe that 90% of all sickness starts in the mind. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine", Proverbs 17:22


It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away at peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot evade the soul.
It cannot reduce eternal life,

If a person who has cancer follows the simple things I have outlined in this article they will notice improvement within less then two weeks, the closer you follow this program the faster you will improve. JUST THINK, it is possible for you to heal yourself, you do not need surgery or expensive dangerous drugs. All you need to do is follow what I have outlined here.

Yours For Better Health,

Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting in Shape

Having decided to participate in the Bataan Death March this year, I 've started to get in shape for the 26 mile walk through the desert at White Sands Missile Range, NM.  On Wednesday I walked 7 miles and today I walked 12.   It took a little longer than I expected and about 30 minutes longer than the Army standard for 12 miles with a 35 pound rucksack, but I had to account for the mountainous terrain near the house.  At one point I walked up about 1/2 the way to the top of the Franklin Mountains on the west side of El Paso.  Santa brought me a GPS this year with a pedestrian mode so I was at just under 4900 feet in elevation at the top of the walk.  Got pretty steep a that point.  Feeling good. 

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

Santa and Sarah

Three years ago, a little boy and his grandmother came to see Santa.

At the Mayfair Mall in Wisconsin . The child climbed up on his lap, holding a picture of a little girl. "Who is this?" asked Santa, smiling."Your friend? Your sister?'"  "Yes, Santa,"  he replied. "My sister, Sarah, who is very sick," he said sadly.


Santa glanced over at the grandmother who was waiting nearby, and saw her dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "She wanted to come with me to see you, oh, so very much, Santa!" the child exclaimed. "She misses you," he added softly.


Santa tried to be cheerful and encouraged a smile to the boy's face, asking him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas. When they finished their visit, the Grandmother came over to help the child off his lap, and started to say something to Santa, but halted.


"What is it?" Santa asked warmly.


"Well, I know it's really too much to ask you, Santa, but ..." the old woman began, shooing her grandson over to one of Santa's elves to collect the little gift which Santa gave all his young visitors."The girl in the photograph... my granddaughter well, you see ...she has leukemia and isn't expected to make it even through the holidays," she said through tear-filled eyes. "Is there any way, Santa . any possible way that you could come see Sarah?  That's all she's asked for, for Christmas, is to see Santa."


Santa blinked and swallowed hard and told the woman to leave information with his elves as to where Sarah was, and he would see what he could do.  Santa thought of little else the rest of that afternoon. He knew what he had to do. "What if it were MY child lying in that hospital bed, dying," he thought with a sinking heart, "This is the least I can do."


When Santa finished visiting with all the boys and girls that evening, he retrieved from his helper the name of the hospital where Sarah was staying.  He asked the assistant location manager how to get to Children's Hospital.


"Why?" Rick asked, with a puzzled look on his face. Santa relayed to him the conversation with Sarah's grandmother earlier that day.  "C'mon.....I'll take you there." Rick said softly. Rick drove them to the hospital and came inside with Santa. They found out which room Sarah was in.  A pale Rick said he would wait out in the hall.


Santa quietly peeked into the room through the half-closed door and saw little Sarah on the bed..The room was full of what appeared to be her family; there was the Grandmother and the girl's brother he had met earlier that day. A woman whom he guessed was Sarah's mother stood by the bed, gently pushing Sarah's thin hair off her forehead. And another woman who he discovered later was Sarah's aunt, sat in a chair near the bed with a weary, sad look on her face.  They were talking quietly, and Santa could sense the warmth and closeness of the family, and their love and concern for Sarah.


Taking a deep breath, and forcing a smile on his face, Santa entered the room, bellowing a hearty, "Ho, ho, ho!"  "Santa!" shrieked little Sarah weakly, as she tried to escape her bed to run to him, IV tubes intact.  Santa rushed to her side and gave her a warm hug.


A child the tender age of his own son -- 9 years old -- gazed up at him with wonder and excitement. Her skin was pale and her short tresses bore telltale bald patches from the effects of chemotherapy.  But all he saw when he looked at her was a pair of huge, blue eyes.  His heart melted, and he had to force himself to choke back tears. Though his eyes were riveted upon Sarah's face, he could hear the gasps and quiet sobbing of the women in the room.  As he and Sarah began talking, the family crept quietly to the bedside one by one, squeezing Santa's shoulder or his hand gratefully, whispering "Thank you" as they gazed sincerely at him with shining eyes.


Santa and Sarah talked and talked, and she told him excitedly all the toys she wanted for Christmas, assuring him she'd been a very good girl that year.  As their time together dwindled, Santa felt led in his spirit to pray for Sarah, and asked for permission from the girl's mother.   She nodded in agreement and the entire family circled around Sarah's bed, holding hands.


Santa looked intensely at Sarah and asked her if she believed in angels.  "Oh, yes, Santa... I do!" she exclaimed.


"Well, I'm going to ask that angels watch over you." he said.  Laying one hand on the child's head, Santa closed his eyes and prayed.  He asked that God touch little Sarah, and heal her body from this disease. He asked that angels minister to her, watch and keep her.  And when he finished praying, still with eyes closed, he started singing, softly, "Silent Night, Holy Night.... all is calm, all is bright..."


"The family joined in, still holding hands, smiling at Sarah, and crying tears of hope, tears of joy for this moment, as Sarah beamed at them all.


When the song ended, Santa sat on the side of the bed again and held Sarah's frail, small hands in his own.   "Now, Sarah," he said authoritatively, "you have a job to do, and that is to concentrate on getting well.  I want you to have fun playing with your friends this summer, and I expect to see you at my house at Mayfair Mall this time next year!"  He knew it was risky proclaiming that to this little girl who had terminal cancer, but he "had" to.  He had to give her the greatest gift he could -- not dolls or games or toys -- but the gift of HOPE.


"Yes, Santa!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes bright.  He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and left the room.


Out in the hall, the minute Santa's eyes met Rick's, a look passed between them and they wept unashamed.


Sarah's mother and grandmother slipped out of the room quickly and rushed to Santa's side to thank him.


 My only child is the same age as Sarah," he explained quietly.  This is the least I could do." 


They nodded with understanding and hugged him.


One year later, Santa Mark was again back on the set in Milwaukee for his six-week, seasonal job which he so loves to do.  Several weeks went by and then one day a child came up to sit on his lap.


"Hi, Santa!  Remember me?!"  "Of course, I do," Santa proclaimed (as he always does), smiling down at her.  After all, the secret to being a good" Santa is to always make each child feel as if they are the "only" child in the world at that moment.


"You came to see me in the hospital last year!"  Santa's jaw dropped.  Tears immediately sprang in his eyes, and he grabbed this little miracle and held her to his chest. "Sarah!" he exclaimed.  He scarcely recognized her, for her hair was long and silky and her cheeks were rosy -- much different from the little girl he had visited just a year before. He looked over and saw Sarah's mother and grandmother in the sidelines smiling and waving and wiping their eyes. That was the best Christmas ever for Santa Claus. He had witnessed --and been blessed to be instrumental in bringing about -- this miracle of hope.  This precious little child was healed. Cancer-free.  Alive and well.  He silently looked up to Heaven and humbly whispered, "Thank you, Father.  'Tis a very, Merry Christmas!"


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As Thanskgiving approaches I have much to be thankful for. I am in great shape and feel really good. Getting plenty of exercise and eating right to make sure Elroy stays gone.

Some minor hassles with the crude in the throat, but I can live with it, just need to keep a drink nearby at all times, but I've noticed that I can go much longer between drinks than a month ago.

Eating anything I want, but of course dry foods (bread, crackers, etc.) are not as easy to get down as something with juice in it like veggies and fruit. Still enjoy a steak every once in a while, but trying to stick with chicken and fish.

Life is GOOD.

I appreciate all the positive comments and support from friends, family, and in some cases strangers who have posted to the blog. Thanks and may God bless you and yours.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Six Month Checkup

I saw both the radiation and ENT/Surgeon this week for my six month checkup and both gave me an all clear.  Have been working out hard and feel really good.  Strength has returned to normal, minus the left shoulder which is still not full speed from the stretched nerve during surgery.  Not a big deal, but a little shaky doing heavy bench press and overhead press.  The left hook is still not back to where it was.  Been eating  healthy and back up to 205lbs. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Six Month Checkup

The doctors conducted blood tests and CT Scan of Neck and Chest.  All clear!.  Feeling great.  Weight close to 200 pounds and am working out consistently. 

Friday, July 18, 2008

Getting Back in Shape

Taken 2 months after treatment stopped. Still on Pain Killers and Having some difficulty eating. Weight around 185

After 1 month of bowflex, walking, hitting the bag, and biking (twice anyway, kicked my butt)
Weight around 190

Want to get back to 200

Saw the Surgeon two days ago and he took a look at the throat with the camera. All clear.

I feel great!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Done Gone Fishin'

Daughter Stevie, Son-in-Law Fletcher, and Me going for the big one! Had a great time at Bear Canyon Lake, NM just east of Silver City. Everybody caught at least two, although none were trophy size. Didn't matter, we got some fish! Felt great.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Feeling Great

Getting off the pain killers has been easy and now I'm feeling about as good as I ever have. Still have a couple of minor problems, the left shoulder/arm is still not up to speed since the surgery stretched out the nerve and the dry mouth is causing some minor problems while eating. But, all in all, I'd say I'm pretty much back to normal. Certainly feel energized these days. Working out, working hard, and have a really postive outlook. Today we're headed up to the mountains for a fishing weekend which I've looked forward to for some time. We were going to go just before I found out about Elroy and had to postpone, so this is something I'm really happy about.

Elroy was a punk!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I have been weened from the painkillers and am 5 days into what the Doctor said would be about 9-10 days of fatigue, anxiety, and aching muscles.  So far it hasn't been bad at all. I am a little tired, so I workout to release those endorphins and I feel okay.  Still not 100% but dang close now.  Am eating well with very little problems as long as I have a drink close by.  The one long term side effect (no saliva glands) is annoying but I can deal with it.  Main thing is I'm off that dang painkiller. 

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update-Clean Bill of Health

On Wednesday I went back for a follow up with the Radiation Doctor and my surgeon. Both have given me a clean bill of health and I will start coming off the painkiller Fetanyl starting Friday by reducing the dosage for two weeks by half, then transitioning to a non-addictive painkiller for a couple of more. After that, I should be off. The doctor said I would be grouchy for awhile going through the process, but I can handle that. Elroy is officially whipped!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Doing much better.  Have been eating pretty well, mostly soups, and stuff covered in gravy or sauce.  Mouth is really dry and will remain so for life since the radiation burned out my saliva glands.  Have to drink all the time, but I can live with that. 

Even gave my briefing at work last week so moving on.  Haven't used the feeding tube in a week so will be pulling that baby out so I can start working the 30 minute ABS routine.......

I can see a four pack, just have to find the other two.   Weight around 190, holding steady.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Elroy Trying for a Comeback

Well for two weeks the doubled pain medicine was having a positive effect.  I was eating soft foods and feeling really good, then this week for some unknown reason the pain came back harder than ever and today I called in sick.  Real pain in the butt.  Will see the ENT doctor next Wednesday and he will scope the throat again to see if maybe an infection set in.  Very frustrating, but staying home today and sleeping in did a world of good.  Got up and worked out and feel much better now. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Making Some Progress Now

Today was the second great day in a row.  Was able to drink two shakes, eat two eggs, a small piece of Salmon, and some stir fry carrots.   The combination of more use of the throat and better pain management is really making a difference.  Energy level is high and morale is so much higher than it's been in months.

Sleeping great at night. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Elroy On the Run Now

After a long week of not having any progress and one day an actual setback against ole Elroy, I went in Friday (yesterday) for my followup with the Radiation Doctor who decided that she would increase (double) my pain medicine so I can start eating some real food and finally make some real progress on my throat. 

Talk about a turnaround.  This morning I had two biscuits with brown gravy and a fried egg for breakfast.  Now, given a small yogurt about killed me (pain wise) just two days ago, this is a big deal. 

Also did a full workout today, after a 30 minute walk this morning, so life has suddenly gotten much better. Worked all week, but had to come home early on Wednesday, because the pain was so bad. 

The best part of this, is the increase in pain medicine from 25mcg per hour to 50mcg per hour (via the 72 hour patch), DID NOT MAKE ME SLEEPY.  So I feel the same physically, but can EAT. 

Where's that T-Bone?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Swallow Test Today

Today, they did some swallow tests where I had to swallow several different things with varying consistencies while taking X-Ray videos which I got to watch.  Basically, your throat is like a cake decorator device where you pour something inside it then squeeze it out through a smaller opening.  Was pretty cool, because as soon as you swallow your throat constricts and shoots the drink/food down to the stomach. 

Really fast and I could see the muscles contracting all the way down.  There is a little flap that looks like a hook that protects the vocal cords and that's where my problem is.  Because my muscles are weak from not using them enough, it doesn't force the drink/food down hard enough and a little bit gets "hooked" and hangs up. So what I have to do is force myself to swallow and get the muscles stronger so it'll shoot it down harder and miss the hook.  Meanwhile, I just have to swallow some water after every swallow of something else so I can wash that little bit hooked up down.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Elroy and Me

This morning I had the IV port taken out so I can start lifting weights here in a couple of weeks.  Pretty sore right now, but the procedure was pretty easy.  The surgeon gave me a local and cut that baby out.  Gave him a hard time because the scar tissue has enveloped the device, but he finally cut all the way around it and was able to pull it out with the catheter.  Was able to eat a little mashed potatoes, chicken, and yogurt today, but not much. Need to get more aggressive, but waiting until the swallow tests on Thursday to make sure I don't try something that'll choke me.  Had enough choking for a while.  Feel good, down to 188 this morning, which is surprising because I thought we were doing pretty good on the shakes.  Well, need to count them I guess and make sure I get at least 8 per day at 350 calories, but whatever else I can put down.  Think I'll go do that now. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scope the Throat Day

I went back to the ENT surgeon today and he ran a camera down my throat and it's nothing outside the norm. I have to start swallowing more to get the muscles working and keep the scar tissue loosened up, so I'll just have to power through it.  He assures me that exercising the throat is very important to getting better.

My throat is restricted on one side so steak and potatoes are out for now, but drinking shakes should work. May be 6 months before its really back to normal, but at least I have a plan.

Plus they'll have the speech therapist do some swallowing tests and give me some other stuff to help open it up more. Maybe even run a expanding device down there to stretch it out.

I got to take a look at the screen when he had the camera in and man they burnt me hard. I told him how many rads of radiation they gave me and he said something about a sledgehammer.....

I have an appointment with the surgery clinic to work on getting this IV port out of my chest tomorrow so I can start lifting weights. Not sure if they'll actually perform the surgery tomorrow or just do the consult for it.

Anyway, at least it's not something permanent so I just need to SUCK IT UP, Mike

Elroy's Hanging On

Well it's been 5 weeks and I'm still having problems with the throat.  Everytime it seems like it's getting better, a day later it seems to get a little worse.  It is better than a couple of weeks ago but the gunk in my throat is still there and still painful. 

I tried something different yesterday.  I had read that milk products caused mucus to build up in the body, so I switched from the Ensure Plus milk shakes to powered protein shakes mixed in water.  It's only been one day, so can't really notice a difference yet, but we'll see how it goes.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 30 After Last Treatment

Significant improvement on the mouth sores. Have a pretty good
burn on the left side of my tongue which is pretty painful.

The throat is still sore, but I was able to drink a cup and a
half of hot tea with honey today, and eat about three spoonfuls
of beans. The beans were cheap out of the can, so I couldn't
take too much, but it's something. Have been sleeping all night
which is helping a lot. Plenty of energy and physically I feel
really good. The spitting is under control, still have to do it
sometimes, but it is no big deal now.

Next week should see a lot of improvement. Elroy has run his course.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 25 After Last Treatment

Had a great day today.  Throat may finally be cooperating.  Still sore, but the spitting has really slowed down to a crawl and I got a great nights sleep last night.  Slept in till 0700 hours, then did 30 minutes on the treadmill and a good tricep routine on the bowflex.  Added a little extra weight today.  I'm hoping we rounded the corner on this thing.  Energy level is high and feel very good physically. 

John Hopkins University Study

Guess what my diet will be when I can eat again?


a.  Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one  important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar subs titutes like  NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is  harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or  molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical  added to make it white in color.
Better alternative is Bragg's  aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce  mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on  mucus.
By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened  soy milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells  thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it  is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or  pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones  and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with  cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice,  whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body  into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food  including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that  are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15  minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain  live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh  vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts)and eat  some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at  temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid  coffee,  tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is  a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.  Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known  toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distill ed water is acidic,  avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and  requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in  the intestines become purified and leads to more toxic  buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein  covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more  enzymes to atta ck the protein walls of cancer cells and allows  the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14.  Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence,  Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable  the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other  supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or  programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of  damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a  disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive  spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger,  unforgiveness and bitterness put the body i nto a s tressful and  acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit.  Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot  thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep  breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.  Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer  cells.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 24 After Last Treatment

Well, today I made a bad decision by taking off my Fetanyl patch and forgetting to put another one on.  About 4-5 hours later, I was reminded that the pain killer Fetanyl is pretty important as long as my throat is still fried.  One swallow after the medicine wore off was a stark reminder about how painful my throat is.  Man that hurt.  Anyway, I immediately put on a patch and hope it'll catch up soon, because I'm still in pain.  Guess it has to get back in the system a little at a time.   What a bonehead. 

Still not seeing much improvement, but it is better than last week. 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 21 After Last Treatment

Went to the Chemo Doctor and he was sure I would have seen more improvement on the throat, but is not too concerned.  Thinks the Chemo held me back but he's convinced I'll see a big turnaround this coming week.  The crude is not quite as bad today, so maybe this is the time.  Got two IVs and that always helps.  Energy level still high and feel great other than the throat.  Still not able to eat yet, but I'm ready for some MEAT. 

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 20 After Last Treatment

Okay, finally starting to see real progress.  Had a great day yesterday, worked out 20+ minutes on the treadmill, good tripcep routine on the bowflex and worked all day.  Still having some trouble eating but mainly because of the crude stuck in my lower throat.  Thick as melted cheese and could not get it out of there.  When I cough it up I have pull hand over hand trying to get it out, but not quite consistent enough to stay together.  Did have some success with hot tea, so today I'll use that tactic again and try to break it up and flush it down.  Have seen a significant slow down on the spitting though so I'm happy about that.  Sleeping very well.  I've been up a couple of hours today and the spitting seems to be about the same as yesterday so looking forward to another good day. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 17 After Last Treatment

Sunday and Monday was able to eat small amount of mashed ptotoes and
gravy and some slices peaches, but still having problems with thick
saliva. Managed to get some decent sleep last night despite a short
period of gagging around 2AM. Outside of neck is just about healed,
some skin peeling, but sores are pretty much gone. Putting Vitamin E
oil to reduce scarring. Still some pain in the throat but the main
problem is the saliva overrun. Be glad when that stops.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 14 After Last Treatment

Pretty good night, only up once. The spitting reduced quite a bit
today so far. I'm getting two IVs today as part of followup for Chemo.
Had a great visit last night with an old friend who as in town.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 13 After Last Treatment

I think Elroy is finally starting to run out of steam. Woke up this morning with a much better grip on the spitting/coughing thing. Throat is still sore, but pain is managed. Feel pretty good and expect a better day today than yesterday. Yehaaaa.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 12 After Last Treatment

Having a much better day today.  Was having some problems yesterday with my sinus' but in much better shape today.  Got on the treadmill and did 20 minutes then some tricep pulldowns on the bowflex.  Got some good sleep and feel much stronger today.  Starting to see that corner I need to turn. 

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 10 After Last Treatment

Well, had a rough weekend, lot of spitting and no visible progress in my mouth sores.  Actually looks worse than it did after the last radiation treatment.

Today, I woke up and went all day until around 4 without spitting, without gagging, and without throwing up.  After 4 the coughing/spitting picked up a bit, but nothing like this weekend.  Don't understand the problem, but Elroy is still giving it his best shot.  I can deal with it but I'm ready for this to be over.

As long as I'm on the Chemo, another 10-14 days worth, then of course the "healing" process can't really begin, because the Chemo keeps the immune system suppressed.  Must continue to push the fluids. 

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 7 After Treatment-Neck Burns

The neck is starting to heal up but is very raw.
Still has a way to go, but the area is getting smaller.

Had a good night's sleep for the first time in several days.
I had stopped using the honey for no good reason, and last night
decided to start using it again. Good move. Feel pretty good today
and of course started hydrating immediately when I woke up.
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Friday, February 15, 2008


Today, I ended up at the hospital getting 3 IVs because over the past
three days I got dehydrated. It started on Wednesday when I couldn't
hold anything down and despite any attempt to catch up, it obviously
didn't work. The doc also prescibed some meds in the IV to help the
vomiting that comes on from the gagging caused by the throat sores. He
is pretty sure that the next couple of days should see a turnaround in
how I feel. Will come back Tuesday and get more IV as well. One the
Chemo thins out my body can really start healing, so right now it's
not taking care of business like it should. Hopefully this is the
bottom rung on the ladder and I can start the climb back to normal

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 5 After Last Treatment

Elroy making a comeback.  Last night I was up all night coughing and in pain.  Guess the doc wasn't kidding that the effects from Radiation would continue for a couple of weeks after they stopped because my throat is on fire.  Even with the painkiller, if I swallow if feels like somebody turning on a blow torch down there.  Causes me to gag constantly and eventually throw up what little I've tried to take in today. 

Running on empty right now.  The outside of my neck is really sore, fortunately as long as I keep the creme or lotion on it, it's okay, but the little sleep I did get last night would usually end when I rubbed off the creame onto the pillow and then wake up in pain.  Painkiller is doing okay, but when I swallow it really hurts, so hopefully this won't last too long. 

Hard to take the liquid painkiller, because I can't hold anything down, so usually just spit it up.  Not a good day, but I'm still standing.  Just have to suck it up a few days, because Elroy ain't gonna win.  No way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Okay, this morning while getting my followup IV fluids, we had a lengthy discussion with the Chemo Doc about what happens next.  Basically the feeding tube stay in until I can eat/drink without it, so maybe another two-four weeks.  Will do a complete PET scan of the entire body in about a month to set the standard for followup exams.  Looks for any cancer that may have floated to another area of the body, but we don't consider that a possibility at this point, but you never know.  Anyway, once that's done we'll talk about removing the IV port in my chest.  If they were to find a cancer somewhere else, back to Chemo treatment, if not I won't need it and can get back to working out without restrictions so I'm anxious to get this over with.  Everything looks good, I feel really good and the throat is coming along.  Actually drinking a little water today, so just have to get on with it.  Elroy was a punk.

Day 4 After Last Treatment

Another good night's sleep, spitting is down to almost nothing now.  The outside of my neck is really starting to peel and leaves raw skin underneath which is pretty painful until I put on more cream or lotion.  With one of those on it does not hurt, but when I wake up it has been rubbed off by the pillow, so the neck is pretty sore. 

Mouth feeling better today, throat still raw and pain killers still needed but making progress.  Going in for IV fluids as part of the Chemo followup today, takes about an hour.  Physically feel really good.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 3 After last treaments

Good night's sleep.  Hardly spitting anymore, but a lot of pain on the outside of my neck.  The bad "sunburn" is peeling away and leaving some raw skin under there to deal with.  Putting oil on it so feels better with that.

Still having a hard time not gagging when trying to drink water or take pills.  The throat is raw but I can tell I'm getting better already.  Just have to force it down and hope it stays down.  Still maxing out on the protein shakes and fluids.

Did about 25 minutes on the treadmill this morning and good tricep pull down workout.  Physically feel fine. 

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 1 After End of Treatment

Best night sleep in at least two weeks.  Slept upright and that seemed to help with the choking and gagging, so that will be the standard for the next few days.  Needed the rest.

No effects whatsoever from the Chemo today.  Made a point to really push down the liquids because looking back on the first two Chemo treatments, the only two day I had any problems because I seemed to get a little de-hydrated, so won't make that mistake again.  No one time did I feel sick.

Still pumping in the protein shakes, fruit juices, and gatorade.  Adding the USANA vitamins to the gatorade and letting them disolve.  Great day.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Elroy vs. Radiation Treatment

Everyday when I got strapped into the "Mask" I just thought about Elroy as the bad guys going up against my own AC-130 (Radiation Machine). He had no chance.

Radiation Day 32-Last One-Mouth Sores

First time we've seen the dark spots. Must be the deep
burns. Will track this and hope to see improvements soon.
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Chemo Treatment-How it works

Radiation Treatment Video of Last Day

Neck Burns from Radiation

As you can see the outside of the neck gets burned also. Keep in mind I grew up in the south and this neck has seen some pretty intense sun, mostly unprotected, all over the world, so it was pretty used to getting burned, but this punk Elroy needs a little more heat. I'm putting on some pretty good stuff the docs prescribed so should heal up pretty fast.

Is that a Turkey neck up front or what?
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Day 32 Radiation - Chemo Number 3

Today is the last day for both radiation and chemo treatments.  Elroy is giving it his best shot, kept me up again most of the night with the choking thing, but what I guess he doesn't realize is that 72 hours with no sleep is no big deal, been there done that, but was humping a 75 pound rucksack through the jungle, so how hard can it be staying awake watching HD TV?  Hello!

Going in early today to get blood work and Chemo started.  The Chemo process takes most of the morning because they start off with an IV to get me hydrated, then give me a couple of pre-meds to keep the nasuea under control, then the Chemo, then another IV.  I'll go back a couple of times in the next week for more IVs to make sure I stay hydrated.

The outside of my neck is official "toast."  Worst sunburn you can imagine.  Can't see, but suspect deep in my throat it's much worse, just can't put any cream on it like I can the outside.  Have pretty much lost the hair on the lower half of the back of my neck, so I don't expect to see any hair there for the next 1,000 years......

One more to go and then we start rebuilding. 

Thursday, February 7, 2008


The harder Elroy gets, the harder I'm going to get.  Did 25 minutes on the treadmill and bicep routing on bowflex.  Have increased the amount of fluids and protein to speed up the healing process. Pushing the honey. 

Day 31 Radiation

Elroy is still hanging on.   Kept me up a lot last night with the gagging/coughing routine.  Some bloddy mucas coming up, but actually felt better after that.  Mainly just spitting a lot and couldn't get much sleep until I leaned my head forward and put my chin on my chest.  Seemed to slow the flow, but was rough on my neck.  Pretty sore when I woke up, but fine now.

Somewhat sore throat when I first woke up, but not that bad.   Same as yesterday.  Once I get going during the day it's not noticable. 

Two more treatments to go. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Radiation Day 30-Elroy Makes a Comeback

Apparently Elroy is not ready to quit yet. Last night he kept
me up quite a bit, this time fluids coming up from deeper in the throat.
Feels like something stuck down there and I was coughing up blood
and spitting out a lot of thick saliva all night. The honey finally got
it under control somewhat, but it has bothered me all day. The best
I felt all day was right after the radiation treatment, but that lasted
only a couple of hours and now I'm gagging and spitting up again.

Not nearly as bad as those 3 days just before I stated drinking the honey
but enough to make it uncomfortable.

Two more treatments left. The sores up in the back of the mouth look
pretty good, but I can't see farther down where it's bothering me now, so
just have to get happy!

Pain still not an issue.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 29 Radiation Over

Okay, three more to go and I'm done.  Have had a little more saliva problems tonight, but still pushing the fluids and honey and seems to get it under control.  Am ready for this to be over.  Saw the Radiation doctor today and she confirmed what the Chemo doctors told us the other day, usually after the 4th week, should have been in the hospital so I'm doing great with this thing.

She wants me to start eating something so the muscle don't fail me later, but I figure the honey is about a thick as anything I could eat and I'm putting down plenty of that, but will try some pudding or applesauce tomorrow. 

The white stuff in my mouth is a good sign that the sores are trying to heal, so again, the honey is having a positive effect and should help heal up quickly once Friday is over.

Elroy, you got three more shots at the knockout hoss, better do something quick because I'm getting my second wind. 

Back of the Neck Toastier

Oh Yeah, that's what I call a Crispy Critter!

The doc prescribed some new cream for this dude.

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Neck Getting Toasted

Neck getting toasted from the Radiation.

You can see the Line just about at the ear opening.

Scar looking good.
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Mouth Sores after Radiation 28

Kind of hard to see the sore through the saliva

Day 29 Radiation

Well, Elroy must have run out of steam, because last night was another good one.  After 28 sessions under the gun, the pain is completely under control using the Fetynal patch, and the honey continues to keep the choking checked.  Happens every once in a while, but not much. 

Feel great this morning.  Four more to go. 

Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 28 Radiation-Only 4 More to Go

So far, so good. No major issues today. Dr. Gupta prescribed Radiation Creme for my neck that seems to work better than what I've been using. Certainly took away the burning sensation right away. We'll see if it heals up the sores I had on the very back of my neck. The honey still working on the throat.

Plenty of shakes today and have not had to spit since early this morning, so that is the best part of the day. Actually fell asleep on the table today.

Elroy has four more shots at me, he'll have to do better than this. Punk!

Day 28 Radiation

Had a great night's sleep and got some work done.  I think possibly I've healed up some over the weekend and am ready for the final 5 day push.  Have pushed the protein shakes hard over the weekend and lot of honey.

The outside of my neck is getting pretty fried right now.  The very back along my spinal cord seems to be the worst, but I wonder if it's from drying out the skin so much using a heating pad I was putting back there to keep it loose and help keep me warm at night.  Probably overdid it.  The left side of the neck is very red but not nearly as "dry" so I suspect that is the case.

Was a happy camper last night when the Giants and my boy Eli made that great comeback to win the Super Bowl.  Man what a game.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Having a pretty good day.  Was up and down a lot last night due to saliva problem.  For some reason and without any warning, I ended up vomiting my first set of juice/vitamins this morning.   Started second Fetynal patch this morning but still need to drink the liquid lanacaine every once in a while because of pain.  Walked 20 minutes on the treadmill this morning and got in a short bicep routine on the bowflex. Am zooming in and out, and have already taken a short nap today, so feels like I'm getting run down finally.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Day 27 Radiation Mouth Sores

Day After Radiation 27
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Radiation Day 27 Down - 5 More to Go

Day after number 27, Elroy has decided to kick the pain up a notch.  Fentanyl having little effect today, but it only hurts when I swallow so just have to minimize that.  My Fentanyl patch is 25 mcg/hr, applied to the skin every 72 hours (Guess that means it releases 25mcg per hour).  I am 48 hours into this patch. I keep pushing on it like it a button to get some medicine to "release" but apparently it doesn't work that way.  Needs an "Easy" button..................Yeah, I'm just goofing off, I know you can't push on it to make it work..duh.

Fentanyl as described on the DEA Website:

First synthesized in Belgium in the late 1950s, fentanyl, with an analgesic potency of about 80 times that of morphine, was introduced into medical practice in the 1960s as an intravenous anesthetic under the trade name of Sublimaze®. Thereafter; two other fentanyl analogues were introduced; alfentanil (Alfenta®), an ultra-short (5-10 minutes) acting analgesic, and sufentanil (Sufenta®), an exceptionally potent analgesic (5 to 10 times more potent than fentanyl) for use in heart surgery. Today, fentanyls are extensively used for anesthesia and analgesia.

Duragesic®, for example, is a fentanyl transdermal patch used in chronic pain management, and Actiq® is a solid formulation of fentanyl citrate on a stick that dissolves slowly in the mouth for transmucosal absorption. Actiq® is intended for opiate-tolerant individuals and is effective in treating breakthrough pain in cancer patients. Carfentanil (Wildnil®) is an analogue of fentanyl with an analgesic potency 10,000 times that of morphine and is used in veterinary practice to immobilize certain large animals.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 27 Radiation Done

Feeling good.  Get a two day break, and then only 5 more treatments to go. 

Day 27 Radiation

Just when I thought Elroy was on his last leg, he staggers back up and tries again.  Was doing great all day, got an IV infusion which always makes me feel good, have little pain, and the spitting is non-existent, then I take a swig of honey, it somehow manages to creep into the lungs and I start coughing to get it out.  Not bad at first then it gets worse and I start gagging, then vomiting up blood.  Quite a bit, obviously from the sores deep in the throat.  Doesn't last long, but certainly long enough to lose my last Protein shake.  Is back under control, but despite the pain killers, I can feel it when I swallow now.  Six more treatments, we'll see what else he's got.

When I was as the Chemo doctor's office today he decides to spring this on me.  I tell him how well I'm doing thanks to the honey, which he is not all that keen on, but since it's helping tells me to keep doing it, because "normally at this stage in the radiation treatment we usually have to hospitalize the patients, because this is by far the worst treatments on a body we have. (Chemo and Radiation to the Throat).  Somehow he failed to mention that to me before.......Just as well, because I ain't going to no stinking hospital without a fight.  Guess if I could ever figure out how to keep my airway clear of honey and spit, I wouldn't have any problems. Duhhh, okay.

Physically I feel great.  SIX MORE ELROY!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Still feeling good.  Docs gave me an RX for a pain patch that lasts 72 hours.  Still having some problems with the saliva, comes and goes, but seems like after radiation is the worst.  Keeps slipping down the air pipe and I have to cough hard to get it out.  Nothing like last week, but still bugging me.

Day 25 Radiation Treatments

Elroy tried to ambush me last night in my sleep.  Woke up about 1:30 in pain, but a quick shot of honey and pain medicine and that guy was last seen dragging his tail back into the jungle.  Will have to see the doctor today about some better medicine because I suspect he'll be back stronger tonight and this stuff is very temporary.

Had a slight setback last night while trying to do the flouride trays.  Started gagging and ended up throwing up my "supper" of protein shakes.  Must have swallowed some of the flouride because the Dentist said I'd get sick if I did so.  Anyway, might have to start doing the flouride during the day.  Seem to have most gagging problems at night after the radiation. 

Feeling great right now, very little spitting going on today for some reason.  I took two Percocets and they haven't made me sleepy, so I can continue to work.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Radiation Day 24-Mouth Sores

Looking about the same as Sunday despite
two more days of Radiation. Must be the honey.
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Day 24 Radiation Completed

Well for some reason the spitting has almost gone away.  I've been taking a lot of honey all day, and suspect a lot has to do with the increased in a burning sensation in the throat.  May have gotten into a "crispy fried" mode, or it's finally killing off my saliva glands as the docs said it would.  Continuing with the honey treaments before and after and still helps a lot.  The outside of my neck is getting pretty tan, starting to really get tight and burned also.  Eight more treatments, so we'll see just how tan I can get on the left side of my neck. 

Walked 25 minutes on the treadmill, but the pain medicine makes me sleepy so I wimped out on the bowflex this morning.  Was a good day overall. 

Dat 24 Radiation Treatments - Elroy Bringing in the Big Guns

Well, I guess since he couldn't choke me out, Elroy has decided to bring in a rusty ice pick and start stabbing me in the throat.  Woke up this morning with the first real pain I've had since they took out my tonsils.  This was expected.  Had to go to the pain medicine right away, and it's already under control, but the stuff I have may not cut it in a few days.  My doctor is out of town until Wednesday, so I'll hit her up for the good stuff then.  I can deal with the pain, just glad I got that "drowning" thing over with.  Other than that I had a good nights sleep and feel great physically. 

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 23 Radiation

Finished the day on a positive note.  Took the honey before and after the treatments and seems to work.  Did not have the usual problems I was having the last three days last week with the massive saliva flow.  Soreness is still not bad, have not really needed the pain medicine much at all.

Did 25 minutes on the treadmill this morning and tricep extensions, so glad to be back on track there. 

Monday Day 23 Radiation

Starting off as a great day.  Got plenty of sleep, the throat is feeling much better after two days rest and lots of honey.  Will start using the honey before and after the radiation treatments to see if it helps reduce the sores, or at least the intensity. 

Sunday, January 27, 2008


The honey is still having positive effects on the sores in my mouth.  It does not stop the saliva flow, but it does keep it under control and allows me to nap during the day.  Some problems with constipation this morning, but have been drinking more V8 fusion which is loaded with fiber, plus took a stool softener this afternoon.  Probably too many shakes and not enough juice yesterday.  Need to find that right balance, because this has not really been a problem till today. 

Have taken in a lot of fluids today and feel really good.  More info on the benefits of Honey:

Antibacterial Effects of Honey Medical Fact or Fiction?

by Julie McCarthy
M. Sc. Student,
University of Guelph, May 1995.

Since ancient times people have speculated about honey's curative properties. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and Egyptians used honey to heal wounds and cure disease of the gut (Zumla and Lulat, 1989). Until recently, there was little scientific evidence to support therapeutic uses of honey. Lately, however, many studies have shown that honey has valid medical use because of its antibacterial activity. This article focuses on the potential importance of honey in modern day medicine due to its antibacterial properties.

Treatment of Burn Wounds and Skin Ulcers with Honey

Subrahmanyam (1991) conducted a study comparing a conventional method of burn treatment (silver sulfadiazine) with topical applications of honey. Burn patients of a variety of ages were divided into two treatment groups. The burns of patients in Group 1 were cleaned with saline solution and pure, undiluted, unprocessed honey was applied daily. Burns of Group 2 (control) were cleaned and covered with gauze that was soaked in 5% silver sulfadiazine which was changed daily. Results showed that within 7 days 91% of the infected wounds treated with honey were free of infection, compared to less than 7% of the silver sulfadiazine treated burns. Within 15 days, 87% of the honey treated wounds were healed whereas only 10% of the control group wounds were healed. Patients treated with honey experienced less irritation, more relief of pain, and no allergic reactions or side effects.

Subrahmanyam (1991) suggests that honey is effective for treatment of burn wounds because: 1) It prevents infection because of its antibacterial or bacteriostatic properties (i.e., inhibits the growth of both Gram- negative and Gram-positive bacteria). 2) It provides a viscous barrier to fluid loss and wound invasion by bacteria thus preventing infection. 3) It contains enzymes which may aid the healing process by promoting tissue formation. 4) It absorbs edema fluid (pus) thereby cleaning the wound. 5) It reduces pain and irritation and eliminates offensive smell.

Efem (1988) showed that various types of wounds and skin ulcers which had not responded to conventional methods of treatment such as antibiotics and medicated dressings responded favorably to a topical honey treatment. Wounds and ulcer types treated with honey included: Fournier's gangrene, burn wounds topical ulcers, bed sores, and diabetic ulcers. After the wounds were cleaned with saline, honey and clean bandages were applied daily. Infected wounds that had not responded to conventional treatments were free of infection within 7 days of the first honey application. Following treatment with honey, dead tissue was quickly replaced with healthy granulation tissue. In some cases, diabetic ulcers were successfully treated with honey and skin grafts, thus preventing amputation. Apparently, the antibacterial properties of honey allow it to work on wounds and skin ulcers in the same manner it works on burns.

The antibacterial activity of honey is partially due to its osmotic effects (Molan, 1992a). Honey is a saturated or super saturated solution of sugars and is said to have osmotic properties (i.e., water-with drawing). Water molecules strongly react with the sugars in honey leaving little water available for micro-organisms. The bacteria that cause infection are unable to survive in honey because they become dehydrated. Molan (1992a) compared the antibacterial activity of natural honey to artificial honey solutions (i.e., super saturated solutions of sugars of the same proportion as those in honey). Results showed that these artificial honey solutions did not have the same degree of antibacterial activity as natural honey, indicating that while the removal of water from bacteria is important, other factors are operating to provide the observed antibacterial effects.

The presence of hydrogen peroxide generated by the enzymatic activity of glucose oxidase in dilute honey also contributes to its antibacterial activity (Molan, 1992a). As hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it generated highly reactive free radicals which react with and kill bacteria (Note: Prior to chemical identification of hydrogen peroxide, it was often referred to as inhibine in the literature).

Treatment of Infant Gastroenteritis and Stomach Ulcers Using Honey

A paper by Haffejee and Moosa (1985) studied the effects of orally or intravenously administering dilute honey for the treatment of gastroenteritis compared with a usual treatment of glucose solution (control). Gastroenteritis is acute diarrhea caused by human rotovirus (Tallett, 1977). This disease is highly contagious and mainly effects young children, but can also occur in adults. The disease is characterized by diarrhea accompanied with fever and vomiting at the onset. Gastroenteritis is a major health problem that has been found in all continents and all races. Haffejee and Moose (1985) found that the honey treatment shortened the duration of diarrhea in patients with bacterial gastroenteritis. Patients with bacterial gastroenteritis who were treated with honey had a mean recovery time of 58.00 hours compared with 93.13 hours for the control patients. Improved treatment of gastroenteritis with use of honey can be explained by its antibacterial properties.

All information that appears here is reprinted in whole or in part from the World Wide Web or other sources as noted.

Sunday Morning

Had another good nights sleep, even better than Friday night. Starting off the day with juice, vitamins, and a shake. Was able to put down 7 shakes yesterday. Going to workout this morning and take it easy today. The sores are looking much better and the honey has to be the reason, plus it helps I didn't get zapped yesterday. Only have to do radiation Monday thru Friday, so together they have to help the healing process. Will begin using the honey 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the radiation to see if they helps.

The neck is stiff, but I'm able to stretch it out pretty well without much pain. I took some pain medicine before I went to sleep, but have not had to take any this morning so far. Been up about an hour or so. It's going to be a good day.

Mouth Sores Two Days After Starting Honey "Cure"

Photo of Mouth Sores Taken on Friday, Day 22 of Radiation.

Compare to This One I took on Sunday, two days after starting to drink Honey. Looks better to me. More white, less red (blisters).

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Honey Does the Trick

Had a great night thanks to the Honey cure.  Did not choke, gag, or cough one time all night.  Woke up this morning feeling like a new man.  Hope it continues to work.  Am starting to get more pain from the throat, so had to go to the pain medicine a couple of times in the night, but pain is managable, the "drowning" was getting out of control.

When I talked with the Docs yesterday about it, the only solution they had was to interrupt the radiation treatments for a few days and let me recover, but that would have delayed this thing and that's the last thing I want to do.  Two weeks and counting.  Morale is sky high this morning.

Started off with a shake and a gatorade, plus some juice and vitamins.  Feeling really good right now.

Elroy is on the ground and I'm raining down elbows on this punk.  Grrrrrr

Friday, January 25, 2008

Honey Reduces Mouth Sores

After spending the last three days drowning on my own saliva, I started researching for some type of relief and ran across this article on using Honey to reduce the mouth sores.  Immediately took 4 teaspoons full and haven't had to spit, gag, cough, or anything else I was doing constantly for the last three day, in the past 30 minutes.  Will have to see how long term it is, but you can bet there will be a cup full of honey by the bed tonight.   Guess I should have started looking for a solution earlier, eh?  Will start doing this before and after radiation from now on. 

Honey Reduces Radiation-Induced Mouth Sores

People with cancers of the head and neck undergoing radiation therapy may reduce their risk of developing painful mouth sores by regularly ingesting honey, according to a preliminary study in Supportive Care in Cancer (2003;11:242–8). This novel treatment may also help prevent unwanted weight loss that often occurs in those receiving radiation treatments.

Cancer of the head and neck affects more than 500,000 people worldwide each year. Treatment for these types of cancer often includes radiation therapy, which can produce many harmful side effects, such as the development of painful mouth ulcers. The inability to eat and drink without pain is the most common reason radiation treatment is discontinued. Various attempts at preventing the development of mouth sores, including using a lead shield to protect the mouth and throat, spreading out treatments, and lowering the amount of radiation given per treatment, have been unsuccessful.

In the new study, 40 people with cancers of the head and neck (mouth, throat, thyroid, and others) were assigned to receive radiation therapy alone or radiation therapy with the addition of honey treatment for seven weeks. Those in the honey group took 20 ml (4 teaspoons) of honey 15 minutes before their radiation therapy and again 15 minutes and six hours following the treatment. The severity of mouth sores was monitored weekly using a scale from 0 to 4, where 0 reflected no symptoms and 4 indicated ulceration.

The severity of mouth sores in the group taking honey was significantly lower than in those receiving radiation therapy only. More than 75% of the individuals in the radiation-only group had grade 3 or 4 mouth sores, compared with only 20% of those taking honey. No one in the honey treatment group experienced grade 4 mouth sores, whereas 20% of those in the radiation-only group developed these severe sores. Weight increased or remained stable in 55% of those treated with honey, while only 25% of those in the control group had this benefit. This finding suggests the reduction in mouth sores leads to improved food intake and better overall nutrition.

Honey has been shown in several studies to be an effective treatment for burn wounds, surgical wounds, and mouth infections. In the new study, it appears to protect the lining of the mouth and throat from damage caused by radiation. Scientists also believe honey limits the growth of bacteria in the mouth that ordinarily exacerbates the radiation-induced mouth sores. While honey has been shown to be safe and effective in conjunction with radiation therapy for head and neck cancers, it is unknown whether honey can prevent damage to other mucous membranes, such as the lining of the intestinal tract or stomach, which are also prone to irritation or ulceration after radiation therapy. More research is necessary to clarify this issue.

Darin Ingels, ND, MT (ASCP), received his bachelor's degree from Purdue University and his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. Dr. Ingels is the author of The Natural Pharmacist: Lowering Cholesterol (Prima, 1999) and Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol (Prima, 2000). He currently is in private practice at New England Family Health Associates located in Southport, CT, where he specializes in environmental medicine and allergies. Dr. Ingels is a regular contributor to Healthnotes and Healthnotes Newswire.

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Day 22 Radiation-Mouth Sores

This is the good part. Much worse down lower in the throat.
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Four Weeks Down, Two to Go

Finished the fourth week of Radiation and now get a two day break from zapping and stabbing by doctors. Had a pretty good day, probably thanks to the IV this morning and an increase in protein shakes. Still dealing with the saliva issue, but have been pretty much "gag" free all day. Just have to control it.

Bought some 350 calorie "Ensure Plus" brand shakes which is about 100 calories more than the ones we were using, and will increase to at least 6-7 per day. Should control the weight loss.

Putting aloe vera plant juice on the outside of my neck which is starting to get red from the radiation and some vaseline type stuff the doctor gave me Tuesday. The neck is getting pretty stiff, so I have to work it out several times a day. Don't want to look like "Woody" in Toy Story.

Have lost all sense of taste, so pushing fluids through the tube is an hourly routine now. Got to keep it going, because when I'm hydrated, I feel good.

Elroy had me on the ropes a couple of times this week, but at the end of the week, I'm still standing, still ready to go the distance.


Just finished the IV and Chemo followup with the Oconologist. Blood work looking very good, am doing well. No solution to the thick saliva problem, so just have to continue with Caphosol treatments and forcing fluids. Doc not concerned with weight loss but does want me to increase the protein shakes, done deal.

Day 22 - Radiation Treatment

Good night, bad night.  Was able to get some sleep but it was interrupted several times grappling with Elroy.  He keeps trying for the choke hold, but can't quite get there.  Was able to fend it off pretty well.  Am going in for another IV as part of the Chemo followup this morning so that usually helps with the fatigue.  Down to 198 pounds this morning, so Shirley is going to the Commissary to pick up some higher calorie drinks this morning while I'm pumping in the IV. 

Feel better today than yesterday for whatever reason, may have gotten a little dehydrated yesterday.  No other explanation.  We'll see how it goes after the IV. 

ELROY, you're going down punk!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 21 - Radiation Treatments

Yesterday Elroy had me on the ropes a couple of times with the choking thing but at the end of the day I was still standing. Went into the radiation treatments worried I would start gagging when they put the mask on, but after I fitted into it, I relaxed and promptly took a nap. He's going to have to better than this.

Had a good night sleep, so relaxing and concentrating on controlling the gag reflex is how to fix this. That and hitting the Caphosol more often.

Starting the day hydrated, pumping in the vitamins and anti-oxidants is first order of business, then keeping the water flowing all day long. Am feeling pretty good today. The throat is sore, so I took a teaspoonful of the pain medicine, pain managed.

Attitude, you can have a good one, or a bad one. Only one works for you. Elroy has no chance.

Update: Pretty good day, but was a little tired and only put in 13 minutes on the treadmill. Probably not enough fluids and was up several times during the night.

Was able to control the gagging all day and the treatment went without a hitch. Fell asleep again.

I'm down to 200 pounds from 205 at the beginning of the week so will need to increase the protein shakes and get the calories up to 2,000 per day. Eating is no longer an option so the shakes will have to do. Can't be looking like "Skelator."

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Elroy wants to Grapple

Okay, this guy Elroy is starting to get on my nerves.  He's wants to wrestle and thinks he's got a rear naked choke on me today.  The lesions in the throat are starting to constrict me and feels like I'm choking, but he can't get the hooks in.  So the escape is to start doing more Caphosol treatments.  I was doing 3-4 per day, but will up that to one an hour if necessary, followed by 1 teaspoon of salt and baking soda in warm water rinse as prescribed by the doc to help heal the lesions.  Pumping in a lot of protein shakes today, more than usual to help with the healing process also.  Lot of fluids and learning how to control the gag reflex is the key so adjusting as we go along.