Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 27 Radiation

Just when I thought Elroy was on his last leg, he staggers back up and tries again.  Was doing great all day, got an IV infusion which always makes me feel good, have little pain, and the spitting is non-existent, then I take a swig of honey, it somehow manages to creep into the lungs and I start coughing to get it out.  Not bad at first then it gets worse and I start gagging, then vomiting up blood.  Quite a bit, obviously from the sores deep in the throat.  Doesn't last long, but certainly long enough to lose my last Protein shake.  Is back under control, but despite the pain killers, I can feel it when I swallow now.  Six more treatments, we'll see what else he's got.

When I was as the Chemo doctor's office today he decides to spring this on me.  I tell him how well I'm doing thanks to the honey, which he is not all that keen on, but since it's helping tells me to keep doing it, because "normally at this stage in the radiation treatment we usually have to hospitalize the patients, because this is by far the worst treatments on a body we have. (Chemo and Radiation to the Throat).  Somehow he failed to mention that to me before.......Just as well, because I ain't going to no stinking hospital without a fight.  Guess if I could ever figure out how to keep my airway clear of honey and spit, I wouldn't have any problems. Duhhh, okay.

Physically I feel great.  SIX MORE ELROY!!!!!

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