Met with the Radiation Center doctor today and got the details on the treatment. I will last 6 weeks, the chemo will run parallel with the treatment for the same period, not 6 months like I thought (good news). The chemo will be low dosage so not as bad as most people have it.
The radiation is going to hurt, image second degree burns inside your throat that will be blistered, so a feeding tube will be inserted up front so I can get the calories down and stay healthy.
Recovery runs another month but has some long term effects on teeth and taste. No saliva glands will survive on my left side, so I will be carrying a water bottle everywhere for life and have to do a lot of extra maintenance on my teeth, flouride bath everynight, clean more often since the saliva won't wash it like normal. Chances of killing any lingering cancer is excellent using this treatment, so I'm pumped up.
Have started working out again on the bowflex which is a big deal for me. Took a long walk this morning after working back and biceps. Lighter weight, but doing same amount of reps as before surgery. Continuing to take multiple vitamins, goji juice, B-12 and protein shake. Want to get as hard as possible before the rad/chemo starts.
Goal everyday is to workout, walk, and punch Bob in the face.