Today was a new adventure. The "Mask" they made for me last week in order to keep my head/neck immobilized was supposed to be form fitted to my face and shoulder. The material is a semi-soft plastic, so you can barely move your eyelids, much less anything elst. It is then bolted to the bed of a CT Scan type machine where they will zap me everyday, 5 days a week.
Today was the "block check" which means they bolt you down then take a bunch of film, I assume CT Scan pictures so that the doctor can precisely aim the device when the treatments start.
For some reason, my head didn't fit exactly into the form made specifically for me, so I laid there with a wrinkle or something on the back of my head being squeezed into the "mask," or more appropriately called by me now, the torture device. Hurt like hell. What I thought would be an hour ordeal, turned into almost two hours. That really, really sucked.
The picture above is not me. I pulled this off the internet so you could see what the mask looks like. Mine of course is perfectly fitted to my face..............
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