Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Daily Update 11/28/2007

Felt good all day. Little tireness in my left shoulder/arm from the nerve being stretched during surgery. Will recover in a couple of months according to the doctor.

Doc called today and said I'll be doing chemo and radiation. Whahooo. A "twofer" one deal. Am scheduled to see HEM/ONC Clinic on December 11th at 1100.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Good Stuff

Okay, here's the deal. Doc took out 32 lymph nodes and both tonsils. The tonsils were the worst causing a lot of pain for about a week afterwards some unexpected bleeding on day 10 in which I stupidly called 9-1-1 and wasted their time because I thought I was bleeding to death for about 10 minutes, but then it stopped. Pathologist's test indicate the only Lymph Node that was positive for cancer was "Elroy." I hate that guy. Anyway, now I have to start doing Radiation Therapy soon. That is supposed to hurt my throat worse than the operation. Man this is gonna suck!

No workouts for 21 days after surgery. Then we'll see if I can hang during the Radiation Therapy. Gonna be a challenge, but I'm up for it.

The Scar 2 Weeks Later

The Scar

The Godfather ?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Four Days from Surgery

Feeling great. Did back and biceps for workout.

Oatmeal for Breakfast
Goji Juice

Had chicken for lunch.

Cooking a turkey breast for dinner.

Very boring day, but got a lot done on the book.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Getting in Shape

This weekend we bought a Bowflex. This morning was the first day of working out on the bowflex.

Bench Press
Tricep Pulldowns

Long walk afterwards.

Goji Juice

Feel good, lot of energy.

Elroy "The Lump" Chump-Before

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Elroy "The Lump" Chump

Two months ago I found a lump on the left side of my neck just below the jawbone. I went to the doctor to have it checked out, and after a series of blood tests and a CT Scan, plus taking a sample of the cells inside, the docs want to cut it out. Sounds like a plan. This journal is my way of keeping track of what happens.

I have decided to name the lump Elroy and have every intention of kicking Elroy's fourth point of contact! (For Non-Paratroopers, that's his gluteus maximus).