Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As Thanskgiving approaches I have much to be thankful for. I am in great shape and feel really good. Getting plenty of exercise and eating right to make sure Elroy stays gone.

Some minor hassles with the crude in the throat, but I can live with it, just need to keep a drink nearby at all times, but I've noticed that I can go much longer between drinks than a month ago.

Eating anything I want, but of course dry foods (bread, crackers, etc.) are not as easy to get down as something with juice in it like veggies and fruit. Still enjoy a steak every once in a while, but trying to stick with chicken and fish.

Life is GOOD.

I appreciate all the positive comments and support from friends, family, and in some cases strangers who have posted to the blog. Thanks and may God bless you and yours.