Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 1 After End of Treatment

Best night sleep in at least two weeks.  Slept upright and that seemed to help with the choking and gagging, so that will be the standard for the next few days.  Needed the rest.

No effects whatsoever from the Chemo today.  Made a point to really push down the liquids because looking back on the first two Chemo treatments, the only two day I had any problems because I seemed to get a little de-hydrated, so won't make that mistake again.  No one time did I feel sick.

Still pumping in the protein shakes, fruit juices, and gatorade.  Adding the USANA vitamins to the gatorade and letting them disolve.  Great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad I guess. There are many people who face much problem on that day.