Monday, March 17, 2008

Elroy and Me

This morning I had the IV port taken out so I can start lifting weights here in a couple of weeks.  Pretty sore right now, but the procedure was pretty easy.  The surgeon gave me a local and cut that baby out.  Gave him a hard time because the scar tissue has enveloped the device, but he finally cut all the way around it and was able to pull it out with the catheter.  Was able to eat a little mashed potatoes, chicken, and yogurt today, but not much. Need to get more aggressive, but waiting until the swallow tests on Thursday to make sure I don't try something that'll choke me.  Had enough choking for a while.  Feel good, down to 188 this morning, which is surprising because I thought we were doing pretty good on the shakes.  Well, need to count them I guess and make sure I get at least 8 per day at 350 calories, but whatever else I can put down.  Think I'll go do that now. 

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